Module Reader_stream.Make



type json_stream = Parser.Compliance.json_stream
type stream

json_stream_* and decode functions

val json_stream_of_string : string -> stream

json_stream_of_string s creates a stream parser that returns a series of json_stream elements from the string s.

val json_stream_of_channel : Stdlib.in_channel -> stream

json_stream_of_channel ic creates a stream parser that returns a series of json_stream elements from the in_channel ic.

val json_stream_of_function : (bytes -> int -> int) -> stream

json_stream_of_function f creates a stream parser that returns a series of json_stream elements from the reader function f. f buf len takes a buffer buf and maximum length len and returns the number of bytes read to a maximum of len

val decode_stream : stream -> (json_stream option, string) Stdlib.result

decode_stream t decode the next element of the input, Ok None indicates end of the stream

Stream.t functions

These functions provide a Stream.t API on top of the json_stream_of_* and decode_stream functions.

val stream_from_string : string -> json_stream Stdlib.Stream.t

stream_from_string s creates a json_stream Stream.t from json_stream_of_string s and decode_stream

val stream_from_channel : Stdlib.in_channel -> json_stream Stdlib.Stream.t

stream_from_channel ic creates a json_stream Stream.t from json_stream_of_channel ic and decode_stream

val stream_from_function : (bytes -> int -> int) -> json_stream Stdlib.Stream.t

stream_from_function f creates a json_stream Stream.t from json_stream_of_function f and decode_stream