JSON parsers for files, strings and more
Jsonxt provides a number JSON parsers and writers with a focus on performance especially for the core file and string functions
API Documentation
- See the
API documentation for detailed module and function documentation
Quick Start
The following covers various use cases
Convert a string and print the internal representation
let () =
let json = Jsonxt.Basic.of_string "[1,2,3]" in
print_endline (Jsonxt.Utilities.json_to_string_repr json);;
Reading a file and printing to stdout
let () =
let json = Jsonxt.Basic.of_file "test.json" in
Jsonxt.Basic.to_channel_hum stdout json;;
Using the json_stream parser
The json_stream parser returns a stream of json elements rather than a json tree. The following is example using the Stream.t
interface to process the stream
open Printf
let parse_stream_string s =
let stream = Jsonxt.Basic_stream.stream_from_string s in
(fun el ->
let s = Jsonxt.Utilities.json_stream_to_string_repr el in
printf "%s " s)
printf "\n"
let () =
let json_s = {| [ { "id":10, "str":"foo" }, { "id":11, "str":"bar" } ] |} in
parse_stream_string json_s;;
Reading and writing a file using the monadic functions
module IO = struct
type 'a t = 'a
let return v = v
let (>>=) v f = f v
module JsonIO = Jsonxt.Basic_monad.Make(IO)
open IO
let _ =
let ic = open_in "test.json" in
let reader buf len = return (input ic buf 0 len) in
let writer s = return (output_string stdout s) in
JsonIO.read_json ~reader ()
>>= function
| Error err -> print_endline ("ERROR: " ^ err); return ()
| Ok json -> JsonIO.write_json_hum ~writer json
Yojson compatibility
To use Jsonxt's Yojson compatibility module create a yojson.ml
file in the project's source directory with the following contents:
include Jsonxt.Yojson
Note that compatibility is mostly a thin layer on top of Jsonxt. In particular the error reporting by the utils module uses the Failure
exception rather than Yojson's specialist exceptions. See the Jsonxt.Yojson
module API documentation for more details
Using ppx_yojson_conv
The following is an example using ppx_yojson_conv:
module Item = struct
type t = {
str : string
; cost : float
} [@@deriving yojson]
module Stock = struct
type t = {
desc : string
; inventory : int
; backorder : int option
; items : Item.t list
} [@@deriving yojson]
let () =
let item1 = { Item.str = "Store Baked Beans"; cost = 1.22 } in
let item2 = { Item.str = "Branded Baked Beans"; cost = 1.47 } in
let stock = { Stock.desc = "Beans"; inventory = 2; backorder = Some 3; items = [item1; item2] } in
let json = Stock.yojson_of_t stock in
print_endline (Yojson.Safe.show json);
print_endline (Yojson.Safe.pretty_to_string json);
Async example
An example of how to use the monad based parser and writer with async. Note that async and core libraries need to be installed.
open Core
open Async
module Json_async = struct
module Json_of_async = Jsonxt.Basic_monad.Make(struct
type 'a t = 'a Deferred.t
let return = Deferred.return
let (>>=) = Deferred.Monad_infix.(>>=)
let reader inc buf size =
Reader.read inc ~len:size buf
>>= function
| `Eof -> return 0
| `Ok len -> return len
let read inc =
let reader = reader inc in
Json_of_async.read_json ~reader ()
let write outc =
let writer buf = Writer.write outc buf |> return in
Json_of_async.write_json ~writer
let run () =
Reader.open_file "./asyncdata.json"
>>= fun inc -> Json_async.read inc
>>= function
| Error err -> raise (Failure err)
| Ok json -> begin
Json_async.write (force Writer.stdout) json
>>= fun () -> printf "\n"; shutdown 0 |> return
let () =
ignore (run ());
never_returns (Scheduler.go ())
Performance in general is similar to Yojson for reading depending to some extent on the input.
Writing wise, jsonxt is similar or slightly faster depending on the type of output. Jsonxt optimises integer values in floats and uses integer conversion which is 4-5 times faster. This means there is very little penalty for using `Float
to store an integer