Module Json_of_jsonm_lib.Json_channel

module Json_of_channel : module type of sig ... end
type json = Json_of_channel.json
val json_of_channel : Pervasives.in_channel ‑> (json, string) Pervasives.result

json_of_channel - decode a text stream from in_channel to a json type

val json_of_channel_exn : Pervasives.in_channel ‑> json

json_of_channel_exn - the same as json_of_channel but raises on error

val json_to_channel : Pervasives.out_channel ‑> json ‑> (unit, string) Pervasives.result

json_to_channel - encode a json type to channel out_channel

val json_to_channel_exn : Pervasives.out_channel ‑> json ‑> unit

json_to_channel_exn - the same as json_to_channel but raises on error